Early Hadith Literature and the Theory of Ignaz Goldziher
\ By Talal Maloush
The department of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Edinburgh, South Bridge, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
, 2000.
Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
This thesis focuses on the study and analysis of three main issues: 1. The role of the Qur'an in the establishment of the Sunnah, and the affirmation of its status and the importance of acting in accordance with it. 2. The role of the Prophet in the propagation and preservation of the Sunnah. 3. The main evidence that is cited by Goldziher in support of his theory of the fabrication of Hadith during the Umayyad period.
Sunna -- History -- Dissertations.
Hadith -- Criticism, interpretation, etc. -- Dissertations.
Hadith -- History -- Dissertations.
سنت -- مطالعات تطبیقی -- پایان نامه ها
سنت نبوی -- پایان نامه ها
گلدتسیهر، ایگناتس، ۱۸۵۰ - ۱۹۲۱م. -- نظریه درباره حدیث