Erzurum Konferansi (1843-1847) Ve Osmanli-Iran Hudut Antlasmasi
/ Ibrahim Aykun
Department of History, Institute of Social Sciences, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey
: ills, sample, map.
Title in English: Erzurum Conference (1843-1847) and the Ottoman-Iran Border Treaty
Towards the middle of the XIX century, the relations between Ottomans and Iran became worse and the invasion of Iran into Suleymaniye led both countries to make their preparations for war, but Russia and England acted as peascemaker and so the decision to discuss the problems at a conference in Erzurum was taken. Representations of Iran, Russia, England and the ottomans stood four years in Erzurum and they spent much effort in order to solve the matters. In spite of all these wicked happenings the conference took place to this treaty was under signed.
Erzurum (Turkey) -- History, 1834-1847 -- Dissertations.