Ayatollah Khomeini: a clerical revolutionary? /by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam -- Khomeini and the "White Revolution" / by Fakhreddin Azimi -- The rise of Khomeinism: problematizing the politics of resistance in pre-revolutionary Iran / by Mojtaba Mahdavi -- Wilayat al-faqih and the meaning of Islamic government / by Amr GE Sabet -- Ayatollah Khomeini's rule of the guardian jurist: from theory to practice / by Ali Rahnema -- Khatt-e imam: the followers of Khomeini's line / by L.A. Reda -- Khomeini and the West / by Mehran Kamrava -- Gendered Khomeini / by Azadeh Kian -- Hidden Khomeini: mysticism and poetry / by Lloyd Ridgeon -- The divine, the people, and the faqih: on Khomeini's theory of sovereignty / by Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi -- Khomeini's legacy on women's rights and roles in the Islamic Republic of Iran / by Arzoo Osanloo -- To rule, or not to rule? an alternative look at the political life of Ayatollah Khomeini between 1960-1980 / by Sadegh Zibakalam -- Khomeini and the decolonization of the political / by S. Sayyid -- Contentious legacies of the Ayatollah / by Babak Rahimi.
Khomeyni, Ruhollah, Leader and founder of Islamic republic of Iran, 1902- 1989
Khomeyni, Ruhollah, Leader and founder of Islamic republic of Iran, 1902- 1989. -- Political and social views.
Khomeyni, Ruhollah, Leader and founder of Islamic republic of Iran, 1902- 1989. -- Influence
خمینی، روحالله، رهبر انقلاب و بنیانگذار جمهوری اسلامی ایران، ۱۲۷۹ - ۱۳۶۸