State, FAith, And Nation In Ottoman And Post - Ottoman Lands
\ Frederick F. Anscombe
New York
: Cambridge University Press
, 2014
xix, 323 p.:
: illustration, maps
State, faith, nation, and the Ottoman Empire --The premodern Islamic state and military modernization breaking of the pre-modern Islamic state --The reconstructed Muslim state --End of empire --The Ottoman Balkans --Post-Ottoman Turkey --The post-Ottoman Arab lands --The contemporary Balkans --Contemporary Turkey --Contemporary Arab countries --Conclusion: State, faith, and nation.
Islam and state -- Turkey -- History.
Islam and state -- Balkan Peninsula -- History
Islam and state -- Middle East -- History
Nationalism -- Turkey -- Religious aspects -- History.
Nationalism -- Balkan Peninsula -- Religious aspects -- History.
Nationalism -- Middle East -- Religious aspects -- History.
ناسیونالیسم -- شبه جزیره بالکان -- جنبه های مذهبی -- اسلام