< The Sage = Sage > Handbook of Media Processes and effects
\ Edited By Robin L. Nabi , Mary Beth Oliver
Los Angeles
: Sage
, 2009
643 p.
: ill.
Introduction / Robin L. Nabi and Mary Beth Oliver -- Conceptual and methodological issues. A retrospective and prospective look at media effects / Jennings Bryant and Dolf Zillmann -- Conceptualizing the audience / W. James Potter -- Quantitative methods and causal inference in media effects research / Itzhak Yanovitzky and Kathryn Greene -- Qualitative methods / Thomas R. Lindlof -- Society, politics, and culture. Cultivation analysis and media effects / Michael Morgan -- Framing and agenda setting / Dhavan V. Shah ... [et al.] -- The influence of presumed media : origins and implications of the third-person perception / Nurit Tal-Or, Yariv Tsfati, and Albert C. Gunther -- News and politics / Vincent Price and Lauren Feldman -- Media effects and cultural studies : a contentious relationship / Toby Miller -- Message selection and processing. Uses and gratifications : an evolving perspective of media effects / Alan M. Rubin -- Entertainment / Mary Beth Oliver -- Current research in media priming / David R. Roskos-Ewoldsen and Beverly Roskos-Ewoldsen -- The limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing / Annie Lang -- Emotion and media effects / Robin L. Nabi -- Mediated relationships and media effects : parasocial interaction and identification / Jonathan Cohen -- Individual differences in media effects / Marina Krcmar -- Media use and the social environment / Daniel G. McDonald -- Persuasion and learning. Theories of persuasion / Daniel J. O'Keefe -- Social cognitive theory and media effects / Frank Pajares... [et al.] --- Emerging issues in advertising research / L.J. Shrum, Tina M. Lowery, and Yuping Liu -- Media effects and population health / K. Viswanath, Sherrie Flynt Wallington, and Kelly D. Blake -- Educational television / Marie-Louise Mares -- Media literacy / W. James Potter and Sahara Byrne -- Content and audiences. Violent media effects / Brad J. Bushman, L. Rowell Huesmann, and Jodi L. Whitaker -- Racial/ethnic stereotyping and the media / Dana E. Mastro -- Media and the body / Kristen Harrison -- Media and sexuality / Jane D. Brown -- Perceptions of media realism and reality TV / Alice E. Hall -- The effects of viewing televised sports / Arthur A. Raney -- Digital games / Peter Vorderer and Ute Ritterfeld -- Children and adolescents : distinctive audiences of media content / Barbara J. Wilson and Kristin L. Drogos -- Medium issues. Diffusion of innovations : theoretical extensions / Ronald E. Rice -- Displacement effects / Jennings Bryant and Wes Fondren -- Medium theory : an alternative to the dominant paradigm of media effects / Joshua Meyrowitz -- The evolution of media system dependency theory / Sandra J. Ball-Rokeach and Joo-Young Jung -- Media effects 2.0 : social and psychological effects of communication technologies / S. Shyam Sundar -- The study of media effects in the era of Internet communication / Miriam J. Metzger.
رسانههای گروهی
-- تاثیر
Mass media -- Influence
Mass media -- Influence -- Research -- Methodology