Part one: The world of tradition --The beginning --Regality --Polar symbolism; the Lord of Peace and --The law, the state, the empire --The mystery of the rite --On the primordial nature of the patriciate --Spiritual virility --The two paths in the afterlife --Life and death of civilizations --Initiation and --On the hierarchical relationship between royalty and priesthood --Universality and centralism --The soul of chivalry --The of the castes --Professional associations and the arts; Slavery --Bipartition of traditional spirit; Asceticism Greater and Lesser Holy War --Games and victory --Space, time, the Earth --Man and woman --The of superior races --Part two: Genesis and face of the modern world --The doctrine of the Four Ages --The age --The pole and the Hyperborean region --The Northern-Atlantic cycle --North and South --The of the mother --The cycles of decadence and the Heroic cycle --Tradition and antitradition --The heroic-Uranian western cycle --Syncope of the western tradition --The revival of the Empire and the Ghibelline Middle --Decline of the Medieval world and the Birth of Nations --Unrealism and individualism --The regression of the castes --Nationalism and collectivism --The end of the cycle.