Financing Development in Islam:papers presented at the third International conference on Islamic Economics which was held in kuala lumpur, Malysia, on 23-25 Rajab 1412H=(january 28-30,1992) under the joint sponsorship of the Islamic Research and
:training institute(IRII) of the Islamic Development Bank(IDB),Jeddah, International Islamic university, Malysia, and the International association for Islamic Economists
/ Edited by M.A. Mannan
: Islamic Research and Traninig Institue
, 1996.
(Seminar proceedings series
; no 30)
Seminar proceedings(Islamic research and training institute); 30
Finance (Islamic law) - Congresses
Internatinal conference on Islamic Economics(3rd:1992:kuala lampur, Malysia)
Mannan, M.A
Islamic development bank. Isalmic research and training institute