Sacred drift : essays on the margins of Islam [Electronic Source]
San Francisco :
City Lights Books,
1 DVD-ROM; 4 3/4 IN
System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. This DVD-ROM Includes PDF File of Book of "Sacred drift : essays on the margins of Islam" Written by Peter Lamborn Wilson. The Book Contents are as Follow: lost/Found Moorish Time Lines in the Wilderness of North America/ The Anti Caliph Ibn Arabi Inner Wisdom and The Heretic Tradition, Iblis The Black Light, The Shaykhs Have Two States, Sacred Drift on the Road With Doctor Maximus
برای بازیابی این مدرک رجوع کنید به به مدرک شماره 1001424
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-- ترجمه شده به انگلیسی
Mystic Poetry
Mowlavi, Jalaloddin Muhammad Ibn Muhammad, 1207- 1273 .