Male daughters, female husbands : gender and sex in an African society [Electronic Source]
London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J. :
Zed Books,
1 DVD-ROM; 4 3/4 IN
System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. This DVD-ROM Includes PDF Files of Book of " Male daughters, female husbands : gender and sex in an African society " Writtren by Ifi Amadiume. The Book Contents are as Follow: Gender and the Economy, Women Wealth Titles and Power, Gender and Political Organization, Gender and Political Organization, The Political of Motherhood Women and the Ideology-Making Process, The Ideology of Gender, Ritual and Gender, Colonialism and the Erosion of Women's Power, The Erosion of Women's Power, The Marginalization of Women's Position, Wealth Titles and Motherhood, The Female Element in Other Igbo Societies, Gender class and Female Solidarity.
برای بازیابی این مدرک رجوع کنید به مدرک شماره 1001424