: Presidency, Vice Presedency for Strategic Planning and Supervision, Statistical Center of Iran
, 2010.
1 CD-ROM; 4 3/4 IN
System Requirments: Acrobat Reader. this CD-ROM Includes PDF 's File From Book of "Iran Statistical Yearbook 1387 [2008-2009]". the Book's Contents as Follow: Land and Climate, Population, Manpower, Agricuture Forestry and Fisheries, Mining and Quarrying, Oil and Gas, Manufacturing, Water and Electricity, Construction and Housing, Trade Hotels and Restaurant, Transport Storage and Communications, Financial Intermediation, Judicial Affairs, Welfare and Social Security, Education, Health and Treatment, Culture and Tourism, Goverment Budget, Household Expenditure and Income, Price Indices, National Accounts, International Statistics, Political Affairs, Nomads