System Requirment: This DVD-ROM Includes Scanned Files from Book of "A Tenth-century Document of Arabic Literary Theory and Criticism : the Sections on Poetry of al-Baqillani I'jaz al-Quran" that was Written by Gustave E Von Grunebaum.
Koran - Language, style - Early works to 1800
Koran - Criticism, interpretation, etc. - Early works to 1800
Arabic poetry - History and criticism - Early works to 1800
Bagilani, Muhammad Ibn Tayyib, 949- 1012 .- I'jaz al-quran - Interpretation
قرآن - مسائل لغوی
قرآن - نقد و تفسیر
شعر عربی - تاریخ و نقد - متون قدیمی تا قرن ۴۱ق
باقلانی، محمد بن طیب، ۸۳۳-۳۰۴ق. ایجاز القرآن - نقد و تفسیر