System Requirments: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word 2003. This CD-ROM Includes Works of "Martin Heidegger". He Was an Influential German Philosopher. His Best Known Book, Being and Time, is Generally Considered to be one of the Most Important Philosophical Works of the 20th Century. Heidegger Remains Controversial due to his Involvement with Nazism. These Works As Follow: Aristotle's Metaphysics/ Being and Time/ Early Greek Thinking/ Existence and Being/ Gesamtausgabe Band 1-22, 24-29, 31-34, 36-45, 47-61, 63,65-69,75,77,79,85,87/ Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit/ Index Zu Heideggers- Sein und Zeit/ Letter's on Humanism/ On the Essence and the Concept of Physis/ Sein und Zeit/ The End of Philosophy/ The Fundamental Concept of Metaphysics