System Requirments: Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Word 2003. This CD-ROM Includes Works of "Brauch Benedictus de Spinoza". He Was a Dutch Philosopher of Portuguese Jewish Origin. Today, He is Considered one of the Great Rationalists of 17th-Century Philosophy, Laying the Groundwork for the 18th Century Enlightenment and Modern Biblical Criticism. These Works As Follow: A Theologico -Political Treatis/ A Theologico-Political Treatis/ Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order/ On The Improvement of the Understanding/ Political Treatis/ The Chief Works of Benedict de Spinoza Vol 1-2/ The Ethics/ The Ethics1 Concerning God/ The Ethics 2 of the Nature and Origin of the Mind/ The Ethics 3 on the Origin and Nature of the Emotions/ The Ethics 4 of Human Bondage or the Strength of the Emotions/ The Ethics 5 on the Power of the Understanding or Human Freedom/ Theologisch-Politische Abhandlung/ Theology and Politics