Idris-i Bitlisi Hest Bihist Osman Gazi Donemi (Tahlil ve Tercume)
ادریس بتلیسی: هشت بهشت، دوره عثمان غازی (تحلیل و ترجمه)
/ [By] Vural Genc
Department of History, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Mimar Sinan, Istanbul, Turkey
, 2007.
lxxi, 293p.
Medieval History
Mimar Sinan Universitesi
Idris-i Bitlisi was one of the very famous Ottoman historian in the 16th century. He had served to Sultan Yakup at the Akkoyunlu State's palace and after destruction of the Akkoyunlu State and foundation of the Safevi reign in Iran, he left his state and sheltered to Ottoman Empire in 1501-1502. Idris was respected by II. Bayazid and began to work as a special clerk at his palace. II. Bayazid had charged to Idris to write Ottoman dynasty history, from it's foundation in 1310-1311 untill 1502-1503.
Hest Bihist Osman Gazi Donemi (Tahlil ve Tercume)
هشت بهشت، دوره عثمان غازی
Idris Bitlisi, 1520- -- Hest Bihist Osman Gazi Donemi -- Criticism and Interpretation -- Dissertations
Bayezid II, Sultan of the Turks, 1447 or 1448-1512 -- Dissertations
Turkey -- Politics and government -- 15th century -- Dissertations
Turkey -- Politics and government -- 16th century -- Dissertations
Turkey - History - Bayezid II 1481-1512 -- Dissertations
بدلیسی، ادریس بن حسام الدین، ۱۵۲۰- -- هشت بهشت -- نقد و تفسیر -- پایان نامه ها
ترکیه -- سیاست و حکومت -- قرن ۱۶م. -- پایان نامه ها
ترکیه -- تاریخ -- بایزید دوم، ۱۴۸۱-۱۵۱۲م. -- پایان نامه ها