Historiography of contemporary science, technology, and medicine
:writing recent science
/ edited by Ronald E. Doel and Thomas Seoderqvist
: Routledge
, 2006.
xv, 313 p.
: , ill., map.
(Routledge studies in the history of science, technology, and medicine
; 23)
Introduction : what we know, what we don't and why it matters -- Where are we now? : the challenges of writing recent science -- Why science writers should forget Carl Sagan and read Thomas Kuhn : on the troubled conscience of a journalist -- The history of now : reflections on being a "contemporary archivist" -- Whose history? : ethics, lawsuits, national security, and the writing of contemporary history -- The politics of commissioned histories (revisited) -- From behind the fence : threading the labyrinths of classified historical research -- On ethics, scientists, and democracy : writing the history of eugenic sterilization -- Witnesses to history : issues in biography and ethics -- What is the use of writing lives of recent scientists? -- Scholarship as self-knowledge : a case study -- Secrecy, politics, and science : probing the meaning of the cold war -- The politics of phosphorus-32 : a Cold War fable based on fact -- Secrecy and science revisited : from politics to historical practice and back -- History detectives : new ways of approaching modern science, medicine, and technology -- The conflict of memories and documents : dilemmas and pragmatics of oral history -- Reading photographs : photographs as evidence in writing the history of modern science -- New voices : neglected and novel perspectives -- What we still don't know about South-North technoscientific exchange : North-centrism, scientific diffusion and the social studies of science -- Witnessing the witnesses : potentials and pitfalls of the witness seminar in the history of twentieth century medicine -- "The mutt historian" : the perils and opportunities of doing history of science on-line.