Christians and Muslims in dialogue in the Islamic Orient of the Middle Ages
:Christlich-muslimische Gespreache im Mittelalter
/ edited by Martin Tamcke
: Orient-Institut ;Weurzburg :Ergon Verlag in Kommission
, 2007.
210 p.
(Beiruter Texte und Studien,0067-4931
; Bd. 117)
Vom Dialog, interreligieos und intrareligieos : zwei syrische Lieder zur Konversion / Martin Tamcke - Dialogue in Syrian literature = Dialog in der Syrischen Literatur - The debate between Patriarch John and an Emir of the Mhaggraye : a reconsideration of the earliest Christian-Muslim debate / Barbara Roggema - Die Disputatio des ostsyrischen Patriarchen Timotheos (780-823) mit dem kalifen al-Mahdi / Martin Heimgartner - Bible and Qur'an in early Syriac Christian-Islamic disputation / Gerrit J. Reinink - Theology in dialogue with Islam = Theologie im Gespreach mit dem Islam - From Patriarch Timothy I to oHunayn ibn Ishaq : philosophy and Christian apology in Abbasid times; reason, ethics and public policy / Sidney H. Griffith - Christianity in the renaissance of Islam : Abu Bishr Matta, al-Farabi and Yaohya Ibn Adi / John W. Watt - Apologetics, catechesis and the question of audience in "On the Triune Nature of God" (Sinai Arabic 154) and three treatises of Theodore Abu Qurrah / Marc N. Swanson - Seperations = Abgrenzungen - Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari : a convert's assessment of his former faith / David Thomas - Ieso yahb bar Malkon's treatise on the veneration of the holy icons / Herman Teule - Prejudice and polarization towards Christians, Jews and Muslims : "The Polemical Treatise" of Dionysius Bar Salibi / Rifaat Ebied - Sideways = Seitenwege - John Bar Sayallah and the Syrian Orthodox community under Aqquyunlu rule in the late fifteenth century / Andrew Palmer - Inaugural address / Martin Tamcke.
Islam - Relations - Christianity - Congresses
Christianity and other religions - Islam - Congresses
Religious disputations - Islamic countries - Congresses
Church history - Middle Ages - 600-1500 - Congresses
Syriac literature - History and criticism - Congresses
Syriac Christians - Intellectual life - Congresses
Jacobites (Syrian Christians) - Intellectual life - Congresses