Cambridge companion to the Talmud and rabbinic literature
/ edited by Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert, Martin S. Jaffee
: Cambridge University Press,
, 2007.
xxi, 412 p.
: map 23 cm.
(Cambridge companions to religion)
Rabbinic authorship as a collective enterprise / Martin S. Jaffee -- The orality of rabbinic writing / Elizabeth Shanks Alexander -- Social and institutional settings of rabbinic literature / Jeffrey L. Rubenstein -- The political geography of rabbinic texts / Seth Schwartz -- Rabbinic midrash and ancient Jewish biblical interpretation / Steven D. Fraade -- The Judaean legal tradition and the halakhah of the Mishnah / Shaye J.D. Cohen -- Roman law and rabbinic legal composition / Catherine Hezser -- Middle Persian culture and Babylonian sages : accommodation and resistance in the shaping of rabbinic legal tradition / Yaakov Elman -- Jewish visionary tradition in rabbinic literature / Michael D. Swartz -- An almost invisible presence : multilingual puns in rabbinic literature / Galit Hasan-Rokem -- The "other" in rabbinic literature / Christine Hayes -- Regulating the human body : rabbinic legal discourse and the making of Jewish gender / Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert -- Rabbinic historiography and representations of the past / Isaiah Gafni -- Rabbinical ethical formation and the formation of rabbinic ethical compilations / Jonathan Wyn Schofer -- Hellenism in Jewish Babylonia / Daniel Boyarin.
The Talmud and rabbinic literature
Talmud - Criticism, interpretation, etc
Rabbinical literature - History and criticism
Jewish law - History - To 1500
تلمود - نقد و تفسیر
Fonrobert, Charlotte Elisheva.، فون رابرت، شارلوت الیشوا