/ edited by Peri Bearman, Rudolph Peters, Frank E. Vogel
Cambridge, Mass.
: Islamic Legal Studies Program, Harvard Law School : Distributed by Harvard University Press,
, 2005.
xvii, 300 p.
(Harvard series in Islamic law
; 2)
"This volume is the outcome of the Third International Conference on Islamic Legal Studies, held May 4-6, 2000 at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass."--P. [vii].
Themadhhab in Islamic legal theory /Bernard Weiss --Al-Awzai and Sufyan al-Thawri: the Umayyad madhhab? /Steven C. Judd -- Continuity and change in Islamic law: the concept of madhhab and the dimensions of legal disagreement in Hanafi scholarship of the tenth century /Eyyup Said Kaya --Theintroduction of Malik's teachings in al-Andalus /Alfonso Carmona --Proto-Malikis, Malikis, and Reformed Malikis in al-Andalus /Maribel Fierro --Madhhab and Madrasa in eleventh-century Baghdad /Daphna Ephrat --Fidelity, cohesion, and conformity within madhhabs in Zangid and Ayyubid Syria /Daniella Talmon-Heller --The beginnings of the Zahiri madhhab in al-Andalus /Camilla Adang -- Intra-madhhab Ikhtilaf and the late classical Imami Shiite conception of the madhhab /Robert Gleave --What does it mean to be an official madhhab? Hanafism and the Ottoman Empire /Rudolph Peters --Madhhabs and modernities /Brinkley Messick --Islam and nationalism in Indonesia: forging an Indonesian madhhab /Mark E. Cammack --Inter-madhhab surfing, neo-Ijtihad, and faith-based movement leaders /Ihsan Yilmaz.