Protein nanotechnology: the new frontier in biosciences / Tuan Vo-Dinh -- Kinetics and mechanisms of protein crystallization at the molecular level / Peter G. Vekilov -- Nanostructured systems for biological materials / Esther H. Lan, Bruce Dunn, and Jeffrey I. Zink -- Nanomaterials of drug delivery systems for tissue regeneration / Yasuhiko Tabata -- Nanotechnology with S-layer proteins / Bernard Schuster ... [et al.] -- Folding of beta-structured fibrous proteins and self-assembling peptides / Anna Mitraki and Mark J. van Raaij -- Application of NMR methods to identify detection reagents for use in the development of robust nanosensors / Monique Cosman, V.V. Krishnan, and Rod Balhorn -- Studying 3-D sub-domains of proteins at the nanometer scale using fluorescence spectroscopy / Pierre M. Viallet and Tuan Vo-Dinh -- Carbon nanotubes and nanowires for biological sensing / Jun Li, Hou Tee Ng, and Hua Chen -- Carbon nanotube systems to communicate with enzymes / J. Justin Gooding and Joe G. Shapter -- Molecularly imprinted polymers for biomolecular recognition / Alexandra Molinelli, Markus Janotta, and Boris Mizaikoff -- Plasmonics-based nanotructures for surface-enhanced raman scattering bioanalysis / Tuan Vo-Dinh, Fei Yan, and David L. Stokes -- Bacterial virus phi29 DNA-packaging motor and its potential applications in gene therapy and nanotechnology / Peixuan Guo -- Construction of ordered protein arrays / Jarrod Clark ... [et al.] -- Nano-assemblies of DNA-protein systems / W. Boireau, A.C. Duncan, and Denis Pompon -- Nanosystems for biosensing / Eiichi Tamiya ... [et al.] -- Optical nanosensors for detecting proteins and biomarkers in individual living cells / Tuan Vo-Dinh -- Nanoelectrodes integrated in AFM cantilevers for in situ enzyme activity imaging / Angelika Kueng ... [et al.] -- Protein amyloidose folding / Nigil Satish, Ajit Sadana, and Tuan Vo-Dinh -- Near-field scanning optical microscopy for bioanalysis at the nanometer resolution / Musundi B. Wabuyele ... [et al.]