An introduction to applied and environmental geophysics
/ John M. Reynolds
Second edition.
xiii, 696 pages
: illustrations, maps
; 28cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [649]-679) and index.
Note continued: 11.3.2.Data processing and interpretation of TEM surveys -- 11.3.3.Applications and case histories -- 12.Electromagnetic Methods: Systems and Applications II -- 12.1.Very-low-frequency (VLF) methods -- 12.1.1.Introduction -- 12.1.2.Principles of operation -- 12.1.3.Effect of topography on VLF observations -- 12.1.4.Filtering and interpretation of VLF data -- 12.1.5.Applications and case histories -- 12.2.The telluric method -- 12.2.1.Principles of operation -- 12.2.2.Field measurements -- 12.3.The magnetotelluric (MT) method -- 12.3.1.Principles of operation -- 12.3.2.Field measurements -- 12.3.3.Interpretation methods -- 12.3.4.Applications and case histories -- 12.4.Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) -- 12.4.1.Principles of operation -- 12.4.2.Field measurements -- 12.4.3.Interpretation methods -- 12.4.4.Case histories -- 13.Introduction to Ground-Penetrating Radar -- 13.1.Introduction -- 13.2.Principles of operation -- 13.3.Propagation of radiowaves -- 13.3.1.Theory -- 13.3.2.Energy loss and attenuation -- 13.3.3.Horizontal and vertical resolution -- 13.4.Dielectric properties of earth materials -- 13.5.Modes of data acquisition -- 13.5.1.Radar reflection profiling -- 13.5.2.Wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) sounding -- 13.5.3.Trans-illumination or radar tomography -- 13.6.Data processing -- 13.6.1.During data acquisition -- 13.6.2.Wide-angle reflection and refraction (WARR) sounding -- 13.6.3.Post-recording data processing -- 13.7.Interpretation techniques -- 13.7.1.Basic interpretation -- 13.7.2.Quantitative analysis -- 13.7.3.Interpretational pitfalls -- 14.Ground-Penetrating Radar: Applications and Case Histories -- 14.1.Geological mapping -- 14.1.1.Sedimentary sequences -- 14.1.2.Lacustrine environments -- 14.1.3.Geological faults -- 14.2.Hydrogeology and groundwater contamination -- 14.2.1.Groundwater contamination -- 14.2.2.Mapping the water table -- 14.3.Glaciological applications -- 14.3.1.Polar ice sheets -- 14.3.2.Snow stratigraphy and crevasse detection -- 14.3.3.Temperate glaciers -- 14.3.4.Glacial hazards -- 14.4.Engineering applications on manmade structures -- 14.4.1.Underground storage tanks (USTs), pipes and cables -- 14.4.2.Transportation infrastructure -- 14.4.3.Dams and embankments -- 14.4.4.Golf courses -- 14.5.Voids within manmade structures -- 14.5.1.Voids behind sewer linings -- 14.5.2.Buried crypts and cellars -- 14.5.3.Coastal defences -- 14.6.Archaeological investigations -- 14.6.1.Roman roads -- 14.6.2.Historical graves -- 14.6.3.Buried Roman structures -- 14.6.4.Burial mounds -- 14.7.Forensic uses of GPR -- 14.8.Wide-aperture radar mapping and migration processing -- 14.9.Borehole radar -- 14.9.1.Hydrogeological investigations -- 14.9.2.Mining -- 14.10.UXO and landmine detection -- 14.11.Animals -- 15.Radiometrics -- 15.1.Introduction -- 15.2.Natural radiation -- 15.2.1.Isotopes -- 15.2.2.α and β particles, and γ radiation -- 15.2.3.Radioactive decay series and radioactive equilibria -- 15.2.4.Natural gamma-ray spectra -- 15.3.Radioactivity of rocks -- 15.4.Radiation detectors -- 15.4.1.Geiger-Muller counter -- 15.4.2.Scintillometers -- 15.4.3.Gamma-ray spectrometers -- 15.4.4.Radon detectors -- 15.4.5.Seaborne systems -- 15.4.6.Borehole logging tools -- 15.5.Data correction methods -- 15.5.1.Detector calibration -- 15.5.2.Thorium source test -- 15.5.3.Dead time and live time -- 15.5.4.Geometric corrections -- 15.5.5.Environmental factors -- 15.5.6.Compton scattering -- 15.5.7.Terrain clearance corrections -- 15.5.8.Radio-element ground concentrations -- 15.6.Radiometric data presentation -- 15.7.Case histories -- 15.7.1.Mineral exploration -- 15.7.2.Engineering applications -- 15.7.3.Soil mapping -- 15.7.4.Nuclear waste disposal investigations.
"The book covers a range of applications including mineral and hydrocarbon exploration but the greatest emphasis is on the use of geophysics in civil engineering, and in environmental and groundwater investigations"--Provided by publisher.
"An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics provides an introduction to the theory and practice of applied geophysics. The book covers a range of applications including mineral and hydrocarbon exploration but the greatest emphasis is on the use of geophysics in civil engineering, and in environmental and groundwater investigations. Since the publication of the 1st edition of An Introduction to Applied and Environmental Geophysics the field of applied and environmental geophysics has grown with significant developments in the subject. The new edition will build on the success of the 1st edition and will include the following key developments: Greater discussion of survey design and standards in geophysical investigations iInclusion of more marine geophysical and geotechical case histories e.g. cable/pipe laying Inclusion of examples of integrated case histories inclusion of new sections dealing with thermal imaging of landfills and radioactivity investigations More information of physio-chemical properties of geological, engineering and environmental materials Greater discussion of borehole techniques especially topography" --Provided by publisher.