(Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications
; 47.)
"Inverse problems arise in practical situations like geophysical exploration, medical imaging, and nondestructive evaluation, where measurements made on the exterior of a body are used to determine properties of the inaccessible interior. In the last twenty years there have been substantial developments in the mathematical theory of inverse problems, and applications have expanded greatly. In this book, leading experts in the theory and applications of inverse problems offer extended surveys of such vital and rapidly expanding areas as microlocal analysis, reflection seismology, tomography, inverse scattering, and X-ray transforms"--P. [i]
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction to the mathematics of computed tomography /Adel Faridani --The attenuated-ray transform: recent developments /David V. Finch --Inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering theory /David Colton --Inverse problems in transport theory /Plamen Stefanov --Near-field tomography /P. Scott Carney,John C. Schotland --Inverse problems for time harmonic electrodynamics /Petri Ola,Lassi Peaivearinta,Erkki Somersalo --Microlocal analysis of the-ray transform with sources on a curve /David Finch,Ih-ren Lan,Gunther Uhlmann --Microlocal analysis of seismic inverse scattering /Maarten V. de Hoop --Sojourn Times, singularities of the scattering kernel and inverse problems /Vesselin Petkov,Luchezar Stoyanov --Geometry and anlysis in many-body scattering /Andraas Vasy --A mathematical and deterministic analysis of the time-reversal mirror /Claude Bardos.