/ P.L. Christiansen, M.P. S?rensen, A.C. Scott, (eds.)
Berlin ; New York
: Springer,
, c2000.
xxvi, 457 p. , ill. , 24 cm.
(Lecture notes in physics, 0075-8450
; 542)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Nonlinear coherent phenomena in continuous media / E.A. Kuznetsov and V.E. Zakharov -- Perturbation theories for nonlinear waves / L. Ostrovsky and K. Gorshkov -- Josephson devices / A. Barone and S. Pagano -- Josephson flux-flow oscillators in microwave fields / M. Salerno and M. Samuelsen -- Coupled structures of long Josephson junctions / G. Carapella and G. Costabile -- Stacked Josephson junctions / N.F. Pedersen -- Dynamics of vortices in two-dimensional magnets / F.G. Mertens and A.R. Bishop -- Spatial optical solitons / Yu.S. Kivshar -- Nonlinear fiber optics / G.P. Agrawal --Self-focusing and collapse of light beams in nonlinear dispersive media / L. Berg? and J. Juul Rasmussen -- Coherent structures in dissipative nonlinear optical systems / J.V. Moloney -- Solitons in optical media with quadratic nonlinearity / B.A. Malomed -- Nonlinear models for the dynamics of topological defects in solids / Yu.S. Kivshar, H. Benner and O.M. Braun -- 2-D breathers and applications / J.L. Mar?, J.C. Eilbeck and F.M. Russell -- Scale competition in nonlinear Schr?inger models / Yu.B. Gaididei, P.L. Christiansen and S.F. Mingaleev -- Demonstration systems for Kink-solitons / M. Remoissenet -- Quantum lattice solitons / A.C. Scott -- Noise in molecular systems / G.P. Tsironis -- Nonlinear dynamics of DNA / L.V. Yakushevich -- From the FPU chain to biomolecular dynamics / A.V. Zolotaryuk, A.V. Savin and P.L. Christiansen -- Mutual dynamics of swimming microorganisms and their fluid habitat / J.O. Kessler, G.D. Burnett and K.E. Remick -- Nonlinearities in biology : the brain as an example / H. Haken.