:Bohr, Heisenberg, Schreodinger and the nature of quantum-theoretical thinking
/ Arkady Plotnitsky
New York
: Springer,
, c2010.
xxviii, 402 p. , ill. , 25 cm.
(Fundamental theories of physics
; v. 161)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 369-378) and indexes.
Epistemology and probability in quantum theory : physics, mathematics, and philosophy -- Quantum phenomena and the double-slit experiment -- Heisenberg's revolutions : new kinematics, new mathematics, and new philosophy -- From geometry to algebra in physics, with Heisenberg -- Schreodinger's waves : propagation and probability -- Bohr's Como argument : complementarity and the problem of causality -- From Como to Copenhagen : renunciations -- Can quantum-mechanical description of physical reality be considered both complete and local? -- Essential ambiguity and essential influence : reading Bohr's reply to EPR -- Mysteries without mysticism, correlations without correlata, epistemology without ontology, and probability without causality -- "The mere touch of cold philosophy."