Evaluating AAL systems through competitive benchmarking. Indoor localization and tracking
:International Competition, EvAAL 2011, competition in Valencia, Spain, July 25-29, 2011, and final workshop in Lecce, Italy, September 26, 2011 : revised selected papers
/ Stefano Chessa, Stefan Knauth (eds.
Berlin ;New York
: Springer
, 2012.
: col. ill.
(Communications in computer and information science,1865-0929
; 309.)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Communications in computer and information science
EvAAL 2011
Location-based services--Evaluation--Congresses
Ambient intelligence--Congresses
Context-aware computing--Congresses
Benchmarking (Management)--Congresses
Computerized self-help devices for people with disabilities--Congresses