Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil-Fuel Power Plants
/ Alexander S. Leyzerovich
Lilburn, GA
: Fairmont Press ;Boca Raton, FL :Distributed by Taylor & Francis/CRC Press,
, c2008.
xiv, 537 p.
: ill.
; 24 cm.
Print - Electronic
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Steam turbines in the modern world -- Rise of steam turbine output and efficiency with steam parameters -- Configuration of modern power steam turbines -- Design of steam path, blading, gland seals, and valves -- Last stage blades and exhaust hoods of LP cylinders -- Thermal expansion, bearings, and lubrication -- Operating conditions and start-up systems for steam-turbine power units -- Experimental and calculation researches of turbine transients -- Start-up technologies as applied to different start-up systems -- Start-up instructions for steam-turbine power units and their improvement -- Scheduled and unscheduled load changes within and beyond the governed range -- Cycling operation and its influence on turbine performances -- Automated data acquisition and control systems for modern power plants -- Diagnostic monitoring of turbine heat-rate and flow-capacity performances -- Diagnostic monitoring of turbine temperature and thermal-stress states -- Post-operative analysis of the turbine's operating conditions -- Assessment and extension of steam turbine lifetime -- Steam turbine upgrade -- Appendixes: List of abbreviations and symbols -- Acronyms -- Symbols -- Subscripts and superscripts -- Criteria of similarity -- Conversion table for main units used.
Steam power plants.
Electronic books.--local
Leaeizerovich, A. Sh
Knovel (Firm
Steam Turbines for Modern Fossil-Fuel Power Plants