Includes bibliographical references (p. 359-361) and index.
Foreword -- Industry outlook -- Acknowledgments -- How to use this book -- Energy industry engineers and technicians (general) -- Civil engineer -- Engineering technicians -- Environmental engineer -- Mechanical engineer -- Coal industry -- Engineers and scientists -- Analytical chemist -- Coal gasification engineer -- Geologist -- Mine safety engineer -- Mining engineer -- Manual labor personnel -- Machine operators -- Rotary auger operator -- Semiskilled personnel -- Machinery maintenance and repair personnel -- Other semiskilled personnel -- Supervisors and support personnel -- Geoscience technician -- Mine inspectors and senior supervisors -- Other supervisory positions -- Electric power industry -- Engineers and scientists -- Electrical engineer -- Performance engineer -- Power distributor and dispatcher -- Power plant operator -- Manual labor personnel -- Electrical and electronics installer and repairer -- Line installer and repairer -- Maintenance supervisor -- Support personnel -- Clerical and administrative positions -- Nuclear energy industry -- Engineers -- Materials engineer -- Mechanical, structural, and electrical engineers -- Nuclear engineer -- Other nuclear engineers -- Life and physical scientists -- Chemist -- Geophysicist -- Health physicist -- Nuclear physicist -- Manual labor personnel -- Other manual labor personnel -- Pipe fitter -- Nuclear power plant technicians and operators -- Hazardous materials removal worker -- Instrument technician -- Nuclear monitoring technician -- Nuclear reactor operators -- Nuclear research technicians and operators -- Accelerator operator -- Hot-cell technician -- Other nuclear research operators -- Oil and natural gas industries -- Business operations -- Accountant -- Compliance manager -- Customer service representative -- Marketing manager and market research analyst -- Public relations representative -- Engineers and scientists -- Chemical engineer -- Chemist -- Geologist -- Geophysicist -- Petroleum engineer -- Petrophysicist -- Refining and processing -- Natural gas processing plant operator -- Refinery operators -- Semiskilled personnel -- Laborers -- Pumper -- Well service equipment operators -- Skilled personnel -- Oil well drillers -- Oil well operators -- Support personnel -- Landman -- Mechanical engineer and maintenance technician -- Renewable energy industries -- Engineers and scientists -- Chemical engineer -- Design engineer -- Electrical engineer -- Geotechnical engineer -- Hydrologist and hydraulic engineer -- Meteorologist -- Solar engineer -- Manual labor personnel -- Electrician -- Iron and sheet metal worker -- Welder -- Appendixes -- I. Educational institutions -- II. Major trade periodicals and other publications -- III. Professional, industry, and trade associations, guilds, and unions -- IV. Useful Web sites for the energy industries -- Glossary of energy terms -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the authors.