(Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology,1867-5506)
Differential Equations: A Primer for Scientists and Engineers is a textbook designed with the needs of today's student in mind. It is the ideal textbook for a first course in elementary differential equations for future engineers and scientists, including mathematicians. This book is accessible to anyone who has a basic knowledge of precalculus algebra and differential and integral calculus. Its carefully crafted text adopts a concise, simple, no-frills approach to differential equations, which helps students acquire a solid experience in many classical solution techniques. With a lighter accent on the physical interpretation of the results, a more manageable page count than comparable texts, a highly readable style, and over 800 exercises designed to be solved without a calculating device, this book emphasizes the understanding and practice of essential topics in a succinct yet fully rigorous fashion. The book formally splits the "pure" and "applied" parts of the contents by placing the discussion of selected mathematical models in separate chapters. At the end of most of the 230 worked examples, the author provides the Mathematica?ض commands for verifying the results. The book can be used independently by the average student to learn the fundamentals of the subject, while those interested in pursuing more advanced material can regard it as an easily taken first step on the way to the next level. Additionally, practitioners who encounter differential equations in their professional work will find this text to be a convenient source of reference. Other Springer publications by Christian Constanda: Dude, Can you Count? ISBN: 978-1-84882-538-3; Stationary Oscillations of Elastic Plates, ISBN: 978-0-8176-8340-8. Christian Constanda, MS, PhD, DSc, is the holder of the Charles W. Oliphant Endowed Chair in Mathematical Sciences at the University of Tulsa, USA. He is also the Chairman of the International Consortium on Integral Methods in Science and Engineering (IMSE).
1. Introduction -- 2. First Order Equations -- 3. Mathematical Models with First-Order Equations -- 4. Linear Second-Order Equations -- 4. Higher-Order Equations -- 5. Mathematical Models with Second-Order Equations -- 6. Higher-Order Linear Equations -- 7. Systems of Differential Equations -- 8. The Laplace Transformation -- 9. Series Solutions -- A. Algebra Techniques -- B. Calculus Techniques -- C. Table of Laplace Transforms -- D. The Greek Alphabet.?╗╣
Springer Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics and Technology,1867-5506