Numerical solution of partial differential equation
:theory, algorithms, and their applications : in honor of Professor Raytcho Lazarov's 40 years of research in computational methods and applied mathematics
/ Oleg P. Iliev, Svetozar D. Margenov, Peter D. Minev, Panayot S. Vassilevski, Ludmil T. Zikatanov, editors
New York
: Springer,
, [2013].
xii, 327 pages , illustrations , 24 cm.
(Springer proceedings in mathematics & statistics,2194-1009
; v.45)
One of the current main challenges in the area of scientific computing is the design and implementation of accurate numerical models for complex physical systems which are described by time-dependent coupled systems of nonlinear PDEs. This volume integrates the works of experts in computational mathematics and its applications, with a focus on modern algorithms which are at the heart of accurate modeling: adaptive finite element methods, conservative finite difference methods and finite volume methods, and multilevel solution techniques. Fundamental theoretical results are revisited in survey articles, and new techniques in numerical analysis are introduced. Applications showcasing the efficiency, reliability, and robustness of the algorithms in porous media, structural mechanics, and electromagnetism are presented. Researchers and graduate students in numerical analysis and numerical solutions of PDEs and their scientific computing applications will find this book useful.--Source other than Library of Congress.
Improving conservation for first-order system least-squares finite-element method / J.H. Adler and P .S. Vassilevski -- Multiscale coarsening for linear elasticity by energy minimization / Marco Buck, Oleg Iliev and Heiko Andrii -- Preconditioners for some matrices of two-by-two block form, with applications, I / Owe Axelsson -- A multigrid algorithm for an elliptic problem with a perturbed boundary condition / Andrea Bonito and Joseph E. Pasciak -- Parallel unsmoothed aggregation algebraic multigrid algorithms on GPUs / James Brannick, Yao Chen, Xiaozhe Hu, and Ludmil Zikatanov -- Aspects of guaranteed error control in CPDEs / C. Carstensen, C. Merdon, and J. Neumann -- A finite volume element method for a nonlinear parabolic problem / P. Chatzipantelidis and V. Ginting -- Multidimensional sensitivity analysis of large-scale mathematical models / Ivan Dimov and Rayna Georgieva -- Structures and waves in a nonlinear heat-conducting medium / Stefa Dimova, Milena Dimova, and Daniela Vasileva -- Efficient parallel algorithms for unsteady incompressible flows / Jean-Luc Guermond and Peter D. Minev -- Efficient solvers for some classes of time-periodic Eddy current optimal control problems / Michael Kolmbauer and Ulrich Langer -- Robust algebraic multilevel preconditioners for anisotropic problems / J. Kraus, M. Lymbery and S. Margenov -- A weak Galerkin mixed finite element method for biharmonic equations / Lin Mu, Junping Wang, Ynqui Wang and Xiu Ye -- Domain decomposition scheme for first-order evolution equations with nonselfadjoint operators / Petr Vabishchevich and Petr Zakharov -- Spectral coarse spaces in robust two-level Schwarz methods / J. Willems.