Focusing on a very active area of mathematical research in the last decade, Combinatorics of Set Partitions presents methods used in the combinatorics of pattern avoidance and pattern enumeration in set partitions. Designed for students and researchers in discrete mathematics, the book is a one-stop reference on the results and research activities of set partitions from 1500 A.D. to today. Each chapter gives historical perspectives and contrasts different approaches, including generating functions, kernel method, block decomposition method, generating tree, and Wilf equivalences. Methods and d.
E Linear Algebra and Algebra ReviewF Complex Analysis Review; G Coherent States; H C++ Programming; I Tables; J Notation; Bibliography.
Front Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgment; Author Biographies; 1. Introduction; 2. Basic Tools of the Book; 3. Preliminary Results on Set Partitions; 4. Subword Statistics on Set Partitions; 5. Nonsubword Statistics on Set Partitions; 6. Avoidance of Patterns in Set Partitions; 7. Multi Restrictions on Set Partitions; 8. Asymptotics and Random Set Partition; 9. Gray Codes, Loopless Algorithms and Set Partitions; 10. Set Partitions and Normal Ordering; A Solutions and Hints; B Identities; C Power Series and Binomial Theorem; D Chebychev Polynomials of the Second Kind.