/ Athanase Papadopoulos, editor, with contributions by N. A'Campo and A. Papadopoulos, F. Dal'Bo, F. Herrlich, Ph. Korablev and S. Matveev, G. Link, J. Marchae, C. Petronio, V. Schroeder
454 pages , illustrations , 24 cm.
(IRMA lectures in mathematics and theoretical physics)
Includes bibliographical references.
Notes on non-Euclidean geometry / Norbert A'Campo and Athanase Papadopoulos -- Crossroads between hyperbolic geometry and number theory / Fran?coise Dal'Bo -- Introduction to origamis in Teichmeuller space / Frank Herrlich -- Five lectures on 3-manifold topology / Philipp Korablev and Sergey Mateev -- An introduction to globally symmetric spaces / Gabriele Link -- Geometry of the representation spaces in SU(2) / Julien Marchae -- Algorithmic construction and recognition of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, links, and graphs / Carlo Petronio -- An introduction to asymptotic geometry / Viktor Schroeder.
IRMA lectures in mathematics and theoretical physics