Basic facts about (antioxidants) -- Basic facts about oxidative stress, inflammation, and the immune system -- Scientific rationale of current trends in clinical studies of micronutrients for prevention of chronic diseases -- Micronutrients in healthy aging -- Role of micronutrients in the prevention of coronary artery disease and improvement of the standard therapy -- Micronutrients for the prevention of diabetes and improvement of the standard therapy -- Micronutrients in cancer prevention -- Micronutrient for improvement of the standard therapy in cancer -- Micronutrients in the prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in Alzheimer's disease -- Micronutrients for the prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in Parkinson's disease -- Micronutrients in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in hearing disorders -- Micronutrients in improvement of the standard therapy in posttraumatic stress disorder -- Micronutrients in improvement of the standard therapy in traumatic brain injury -- Micronutrients in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in HIV/AIDS -- Micronutrients in protecting against late adverse health-effects of diagnostic radiation doses -- Micronutrients in protecting against lethal doses of ionizing radiation -- Micronutrients in prevention and improvement of the standard therapy in arthritis -- Myths and misconception about antioxidants and health -- Dietary reference intakes of selected micronutrients.