(Mathematical Sciences Research Institute publications
; 34)
Includes bibliographical references.
Another Low-Technology Estimate in Convex Geometry / Greg Kuperberg -- On the Equivalence Between Geometric and Arithmetic Means for Log-Concave Measures / Rafal Latala -- On the Constant in the Reverse Brunn Minkowski Inequality for p-Convex Balls / Alexander E. Litvak -- The Extension of the Finite-Dimensional Version of Krivine's Theorem to Quasi-Normed Spaces / Alexander E. Litvak -- A Note on Gowers' Dichotomy Theorem / Bernard Maurey -- An "Isomorphic" Version of Dvoretzky's Theorem, II / Vitali Milman and Gideon Schechtman -- Asymptotic Versions of Operators and Operator Ideals / Vitali Milman and Roy Wagner -- Metric Entropy of the Grassmann Manifold / Alain Pajor -- Curvature of Nonlocal Markov Generators / Michael Schmuckenschlager -- An Extremal Property of the Regular Simplex / Michael Schmuckenschlager -- Floating Body, Illumination Body, and Polytopal Approximation / Carsten Schutt -- A Note on the M[superscript *]-Limiting Convolution Body / Antonis Tsolomitis.
Introduction: The Convex Geometry and Geometric Analysis Program, MSRI, Spring 1996 -- GAFA Seminars 1994-1996 -- Integrals of Smooth and Analytic Functions over Minkowski's Sums of Convex Sets / Semyon Alesker -- Localization Technique on the Sphere and the Gromov-Milman Theorem on the Concentration Phenomenon on Uniformly Convex Sphere / Semyon Alesker -- Geometric Inequalities in Option Pricing / Christer Borell -- Random Points in Isotropic Convex Sets / Jean Bourgain -- Threshold Intervals under Group Symmetries / Jean Bourgain and Gil Kalai -- On a Generalization of the Busemann-Petty Problem / Jean Bourgain and Gaoyong Zhang -- Isotropic Constants of Schatten Class Spaces / Sean Dar -- On the Stability of the Volume Radius / Efim D. Gluskin -- Polytope Approximations of the Unit Ball of [actual symbol not reproducible] / W. Timothy Gowers -- A Remark about the Scalar-Plus-Compact Problem / W. Timothy Gowers.