The importance of safety and health for engineers -- Safety and health professions -- Fundamental concepts and terms -- Federal agencies, laws, and regulations -- Other laws, regulations, standards, and codes -- Workers' compensation -- Product liability -- Record keeping and reporting -- General principles of hazard control -- Mechanics and structures -- Walking and working surfaces -- Electrical safety -- Tools and machines -- Transportation -- Materials handling -- Fire protection and prevention -- Explosions and explosives -- Heat and cold -- Pressure -- Visual environment -- Nonionizing radiation -- Ionizing radiation -- Noise and vibration -- Chemicals -- Ventilation -- Biohazards -- Hazardous waste -- Personal protective equipment -- Emergencies -- Facility planning and design -- Human behavior and performance in safety -- Procedures, rules, and training -- Ergonomics -- Fundamentals of safety management -- Risk management and assessment -- System safety -- Safety analyses and management information -- Safety plans and programs.
Industrial safety
Product safety
Products liability, United States
Accidents, Occupational- prevention & control- United States