Describes digital integrated circuits, suggests practical exercises, and covers such topics as diodes, transistors, transistor amplifiers, oscillators, transformers, and power supply circuits.
DC Review and Pre-Test --Current Flow --Ohm's Law --Resistors in Series --Resistors in Parallel --Power --Small Currents --TheGraph of Resistance --TheVoltage Divider --TheCurrent Divider --Switches --Capacitors in a DC Circuit --DC Pre-Test --TheDiode --Understanding Diodes --TheDiode Experiment --Diode Breakdown --TheZener Diode --Introduction to the Transistor --Understanding Transistors --TheTransistor Experiment --TheJunction Field Effect Transistor --TheTransistor Switch --Turning the Transistor on --Turning the Transistor off --Why Transistors are Used as Switches --TheThree-Transistor Switch --Alternative Base Switching --Switching The Jfet --TheJfet Experiment --AC Pre-Test and Review --TheGenerator --Resistors in AC Circuits --Capacitors in AC Circuits --TheInductor in an AC Circuit --Resonance --AC in Electronics --Capacitors in AC Circuits --Capacitors and Resistors in Series --TheHigh Pass Filter Experiment --Phase Shift of an RC Circuit --Resistor and Capacitor in Parallel --Inductors in AC Circuits --Phase Shift for an RL Circuit --Resonant Circuits --TheCapacitor and Inductor in Series --TheOutput Curve --Introduction to Oscillators --Transistor Amplifiers --Working with Transistor Amplifiers --TheTransistor Amplifier Experiment --AStable Amplifier --Biasing --TheEmitter Follower --Analyzing an Amplifier --TheJFET as an Amplifier --TheOperational Amplifier --Oscillators --Understanding Oscillators --TheColpitts Oscillator --Optional Experiment --TheHartley Oscillator --TheArmstrong Oscillator --Practical Oscillator Design --Simple Oscillator Design Procedure --Optional Experiment --Oscillator Troubleshooting Checklist --TheTransformer --Transformer Basics --Transformers in Communications Circuits --Power Supply Circuits --Diodes in AC Circuits Produce Pulsating DC --Level DC (Smoothing Pulsating DC) --Conclusion and Final Self-Test --Final Self-Test --List of Symbols and Abbreviations --Powers of Ten and Engineering Prefixes --Standard Composition Resistor Values --Supplemental Resources --Equation Reference --Schematic Symbols Used in This Book.