/ Dimitrios Katsaros, Alexandros Nanopoulos and Yannis Manolopoulos, [editors]
Hershey, PA
: IRM Press,
, c2005.
xvi, 482 p. , ill. , 27 cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Ch. I. Push and pull systems / Petros Nicopolitidis, Georgios I. Papadimitriou and Andreas S. Pomportsis -- Ch. II. Mobile cache management / Jianliang Xu, Haibo Hu, Xueyan Tang and Baihua Zheng -- Ch. III. Indexing and clustering of wireless broadcast data / Yon Dohn Chung and Myoung Ho Kim -- Ch. IV. Data broadcasting in a mobile environment / A. R. Hurson and Y. Jiao -- Ch. V. Broadcast data placement over multiple wireless channels / Dimitrios Katsaros and Yannis Manolopoulos -- Ch. VI. Modeling and management of location and mobility / Wenye Wang -- Ch. VII. Mobility management in mobile computing and networking environments / Samuel Pierre -- Ch. VIII. Service discovery in wireless and mobile networks / Hitha Alex, Mohan Kumar and Behrooz A. Shirazi -- Ch. IX. Wireless sensor networks / Erdal Cayirci -- Ch. X. Connection admission control in wireless systems / Tuna Tugcu -- Ch. XI. Indexing mobile objects : an overview of contemporary solutions / Panayiotis Bozanis -- Ch. XII. Extensible platform for location-based services deployment and provisioning / Manos Spanoudakis, Angelos Batistakis, Ioannis Priggouris, Anastasios Ioannidis, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades and Lazaros Merakos -- Ch. XIII. Location-dependent query processing benchmark / Ayse Yasemin Seydim and Margaret H. Dunham -- Ch. XIV. Location-dependent data access and queries / Gyula Rabai and Sandor Imre -- Ch. XV. Security in pervasive computing / Sajal K. Das, Afrand Agah and Mohan Kumar -- Ch. XVI. Transaction processing in broadcast databases / Wai Gen Yee.