IEEE recommended practice for determining the electric power station ground potential rise and induced voltage from a power fault
/ Co-sponsors: Power Systems Communications Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society and the Transmission and Access Systems Committee of the IEEE Communication Society
New York, N.Y., USA
: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
, 1997.
vi, 125 p. , ill. , 28 cm.
"IEEE Std 367-1996; revision of IEEE Std 367-1987."
"Approved 16 September 1996, IEEE Standards Board; approved 6 February 1997, American National Standards Institute. ".
"September 22, 1997"--Cover.
"Recognized as an American National Standard."
Includes bibliographical references.
Guidance for the calculation of power station ground potential rise (GPR) and longitudinal induction (LI) voltages is provided, as well as guidance for their appropriate reduction from worst-case values, for use in metallic telecommunication protection design.
IEEE (std.) ; 367-1996
Recommended practice for determining the electric power station ground potential rise and induced voltage from a power fault
Electric power stations , Standards
Electric currents , Grounding , Standards
Electric power systems , Protection , Standards
IEEE Power Engineering Society. IEEE Power System Communications Committee
IEEE Communications Society. Transmission and Access Systems Committee