In-situ studies with photons, neutrons and electrons scatterin
/ Thomas Kannengiesser ... [et al.], editors
: Springer,
, 2010.
1 online resource (xii, 204 p.)
: , ill.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Note continued:In Situ Determination of Phase Transformations and Structural Changes During Non-Equilibrium Material Processing --1.Introduction --2.Technique for Single Sensor Differential Thermal Analysis --3.Summary and Conclusions --References --In Situ Phase Transformation Studies on a Transformation Induced Plasticity Steel Under Simulated Weld Thermal Cycles Using Synchrotron Diffraction --1.Introduction --2.Experimental Procedure --3.Results --4.Discussion --5.Conclusions --References --Imaging Fast Processes in Liquid Metal Foams and Semi-Solid Alloys Using Synchrotron Radioscopy with Spatio-Temporal Micro-Resolution --1.Introduction --2.Materials and Methods --3.Results --4.Discussion --5.Conclusions --References --In Situ Measurements for Structural Integrity: An Engineer's Perspective --1.Introduction --2.Quantification of Residual Stresses --3.Modelling Challenges --4.In Situ Studies and Material Behaviour --5.Concluding Remarks --References --In Situ Neutron Diffraction During Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Process for Low Alloy Steels --1.Introduction --2.Static Ferrite -- Austenite Transformation --3.Transformation Behavior in Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Process (TMCP) Studied by the Angular Dispersion Method --4.Transformation Behavior in Thermo-Mechanically Controlled Process (TMCP) Studied by the TOF Method --5.Concluding Remarks --References --Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Residual Stress Distribution and Fatigue Behaviour of High Strength Steels Welds --1.Introduction --2.Experimental --3.Results --4.Discussion --5.Conclusion --References.