Introduction: Data and it's Properties, Analytical Methods and Jargon -- Experimental Design - Experiment and Set Selection -- Data Pre-treatment and Variable Selection -- Data Display -- Unsupervised Learning -- Regression Analysis -- Supervised Learning -- Multivariate Dependent Data -- Artificial Intelligence and Friends -- Molecular Design.
"This handbook of data analysis with worked examples focuses on the application of mathematical and statistical techniques and the interpretation of their results." "The chapters are organised logically, from planning an experiment, through examining and displaying the data, to contructing quantitative models. Each chapter is intended to stand alone, so that casual users can refer to the section that is most appropriate to their problem."--BOOK JACKET.
"This handbook of data analysis with worked examples focuses on the application of mathematical and statistical techniques and the interpretation of their results." "The chapters are organised logically, from planning an experiment, through examining and displaying the data, to contructing quantitative models. Each chapter is intended to stand alone, so that casual users can refer to the section that is most appropriate to their problem."--BOOK JACKET.
Science, Statistical methods
Experimental design
Livingstone, D.(David)
A practical guide to scientific data analysis David Livingstone