Why bother to design an experiment? -- A change for the better - significance testing -- Improving effectiveness using a paired design -- A simple but effective design for two variables -- Investigating 3 and 4 variables in an experiment -- More for even less: using a fraction of a full design -- Saturated designs -- Regression analysis -- Multiple regression: the first essentials -- Designs to generate response surfaces -- Outliers and influential observations -- Central composite designs -- Designs for mixtures -- Computer-aided experimental design (CAED) -- Optimization designs -- Improving a bad experiment -- How to compare several treatments -- Experiments in blocks -- Two-way designs -- Too much at once: incomplete block experiments -- 23 ways of messing up an experiment -- Solutions to problems -- Statistical tables.
"This book has been developed from courses run by Statistics for Industry Limited for the past 30 years and demonstrates the ways in which statistical methods can be applied successfully, each method is introduced and used in a real situation from industry or research, each chapter includes examples obtained from the authors experience within the field Features examples from many industries, such as chemicals, plastics, oils, nuclear, food, drink, lighting, water and pharmaceuticals"--Provided by publisher.
Science, Experiments, Statistical methods
Technology, Experiments, Statistical methods
Electronic books
Boddy, Richard,1939-
Smith, Gordon(Gordon Laird)
Effective experimentation for scientists and technologists Richard Boddy, Gordon Smith