"This introduction to materials science both for students of engineering and physics and for the interested general public examines not only the physical and engineering properties of virtually all kinds of materials, but also their history, uses, development, and some of the implications of resource depletion and recycling. It covers all topics on materials from an entirely novel perspective: the role materials have played throughout history in the development of humankind and technologies. Specifically, it shows the connection between the technical and the cultural, economic, ecological, and societal aspects of materials science. It aims to whet the appetite of its readers and inspire them to further explore the properties and applications of metals, alloys, ceramics, plastics, electronic materials, wood, and natural fibers by presenting easily understandable explanations and entertaining historical facts. It is also intended to raise the readers' awareness of their obligations to society as practicing engineers and scientists."--BOOK JACKET.
1. The first materials (Stone Age and Copper-Stone age) -- 2. Fundamental mechanical properties of materials -- 3. Mechanisms -- 4. The Bronze Age -- 5. Alloys and compounds -- 6. Atoms in motion -- 7. The Iron Age -- 8. Iron and steel -- 9. Degradation of materials (corrosion) -- 10. The age of electronic materials -- 11. Electrical properties of materials -- 12. Magnetic properties of materials -- 13. Optical properties of materials -- 14. Thermal properties of materials -- 15. No ceramics age? -- 16. From natural fibers to man-made plastics -- 17. Gold -- 18. Economic and environmental considerations -- 19. What does the future hold? -- App. I. Summary of quantum number characteristics -- App. II. Tables of physical constants.