1. Introduction to Surface Reactions: Electrochemical Basis of Corrosion / Dieter Landolt -- 2. Introduction to Surface Reactions: Adsorption from Gas Phase / Jacques Oudar -- 3. Surface Effects on Hydrogen Entry into Metals / Elie Protopopoff and Philippe Marcus -- 4. Anodic Dissolution / Michel Keddam -- 5. Thin Oxide Film Formation on Metals / Francis P. Fehlner and Michael J. Graham -- 6. Growth and Stability of Passive Films / Barry MacDougall and Michael J. Graham -- 7. Passivity of Austenitic Stainless Steels / Clive R. Clayton and Ingemar Olefjord -- 8. Mechanisms of Pitting Corrosion / Hans-Henning Strehblow -- 9. Sulfur-Assisted Corrosion Mechanisms and the Role of Alloyed Elements / Philippe Marcus -- 10. Further Insights on the Pitting Corrosion of Stainless Steels / Bernard Baroux -- 11. Crevice Corrosion of Metallic Materials / Pierre Combrade -- 12. Stress-Corrosion Cracking Mechanisms / Roger C. Newman -- 13. Corrosion Fatigue Mechanisms in Metallic Materials / T. Magnin -- 14. Corrosion Prevention by Adsorbed Organic Monolayers and Ultrathin Plasma Polymer Films / Michael Rohwerder, Guido Grundmeier and Martin Stratmann -- 15. Atmospheric Corrosion / Christofer Leygraf -- 16. Microbially Influenced Corrosion / Dominique Thierry and Wolfgang Sand -- 17. Corrosion in Nuclear Systems: Environmentally Assisted Cracking in Light Water Reactors / F. P. Ford and Peter L. Andresen -- 18. Corrosion of Microelectronic and Magnetic Data-Storage Devices / Gerald S. Frankel and Jeffrey W. Braithwaite -- 19. Organic Coatings / J. H. W. de Wit, D. H. der Weijde and G. Ferrari.