Plasma-wall interaction : status and data needs / U. Samm -- Modeling of fusion edge plasmas : atomic and molecular data issues / D. Reiter -- Energy deposition from ELMs in fusion devices / A. Loarte -- Molecular diagnostics of cold edge plasmas / U. Fantz -- Divertor spectroscopy with molecular transport / H. Kubo ... [et al.] -- High-temperature plasma edge diagnostics / A. Pospieszczyk -- X-ray spectroscopy of high n transitions of He- and Ne-like ions in alcator C-mod plasmas / J.E. Rice ... [et al.] -- High-temperature plasmas diagnostics by X-ray spectroscopy in the low density limit / G. Bertschinger, O. Marchuk -- Review and status of physical sputtering and chemical erosion of plasma facing materials / J. Roth -- Hydrogen retention in and release from carbon materials / A.A. Haasz, J.W. Davis -- Interaction of low-energy ions and hydrocarbon radicals with carbon surfaces / W. Jacob ... [et al.] -- Tritium inventory in the materials of the ITER plasma-facing components / G. Federici, C.H. Skinner -- Mixed and high-z plasma-facing materials in TEXTOR / E. Vietzke ... [et al.] -- Beryllium and liquid metals as plasma facing materials / R.P. Doerner -- IAEA databases and database establishment programs / R.E.H. Clark, D. Humbert -- NIFS DATABASE and cooperation with IAEA DCN / T. Kato, I. Murakami -- The NIST atomic structure databases / W.L. Wiese -- The atomic data and analysis structure / H.P. Summers, M.G. O'Mullane.