Quantum field theoretical methods in statistical physic
/ [by] A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gorسkov, and I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskii. Translated from the Russian by D. E. Brown. English translation edited by D. ter Haar
2d ed. [rev. and enl.]
Oxford,New York,
: Pergamon Press
, [1965].
xii, 365 p., illus., 24 cm.
(International series of monographs in natural philosophy,v. 4.)
"References": p. 359-361.
International series in natural philosophy
v. 4
Quantum statistics
Quantum field theory
Low temperature research
Abrilosov, Aleksei Alekseevich.
Gorسkov, L. P.(Lev Petrovich),joint author
Dzeiialoshinskiaei, I. E.(Igorس Ekhielسevich),joint author