"Written to meet the bridge infrastructure needs of the new millennium, the Second Edition of Bridge Engineering has been completely revised to cover all the latest developments in highway bridge planning, design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation. From initial concept to final contract document preparation, this updated classic focuses on the entire bridge engineering process." "Readers will find unsurpassed information on structures... seismic analysis... project funding... design standards... site survey... bridge inspection... load rating... roadway alignments and geometrics... traffic... safety... bridge management, and much more. This revised edition includes new material on current design codes, the latest maintenance and repair techniques, and state-of-the-art construction practices." "Filled with real-world case studies, powerful computer-aided design methods, and over 400 detailed illustrations, the Second Edition of Bridge Engineering features: New cost-effective and highly efficient maintenance and repair methods, The most current AASHTO design codes and ASCE design techniques, Complete integration of LRFD and LFD methods throughout, together with examples and problems, Cutting-edge design and construction methods, SI units integrated throughout. Book jacket."--BOOK JACKET.