Fluid dynamics of cavitation and cavitating turbopumps
/ edited by Luca d'Agostino, Maria Vittoria Salvetti
Wien ;New York
: Springer
, 2007.
351 p. , ill. (some col.)
(Courses and lectures
; no. 496.)
Language: انگلیسی
Includes bibliographical references.
TheRayleigh-Plesset equation: a simple and powerful tool to understand various aspects of cavitation /J. P. Franc --Hydrodynamics and cavitation of pumps /C. E. Brennen --Cavitation instabilities in turbopump inducers /Y. Tsujimoto --Stability analysis of cavitating flows through inducers /Y. Tsujimoto --Suppression of cavitation instabilities /Y. Tsujimoto --Tip leakage and backflow vortex cavitation /Y. Tsujimoto --Thedifferent role of cavitation on rotordynamic whirl forces in axial inducers and centrifugal impellers /L. d'Agostino --Ahyperbolic non equilibrium model for cavitating flows /R. Saurel, F. Petitpas --Cavitation simulation by a homogeneous barotropic flow model /M. V. Salvetti, E. Sinibaldi, F. Beux.