Rev. ed. of: Medicine of the fetus and mother. 2nd ed. c1999.
Accompanied Questions and answers / [editors] E. Albert Reece, John C. Hobbins (xvi, 168 p. ; 28 cm.).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Gastrointestinal and genitourinary anomalies /Sandro Gabrielli, Nicola Rizzo, and E. Albert Reece --Fetal skeletal anomalies /Luis F. Goncalves ... [et al.] --First- and second-trimester prenatal diagnosis / John C. Hobbins --First- and second-trimester screening for open neural tube defects and Down syndrome /James E. Haddow, Glenn E. Palomaki, and Ronald J. Wapner --Prenatal diaagnosis of deviant fetal growth /E. Albert Reece and Zion J. Hagay --Three- and four-dimensional ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in pregnancy /Brian J. Trudinger -- Antepartum and intrapartum surveillance of the fetus and the amniotic fluid /Lami Yeo, Michael G. Ross, and Antony M. Vitzileos --The fetus at surgery /Robert H. Ball and Michael R. Harrison --Fetal medical treatment /Mark I. Evans ... [et al.] --Maternal biological, biomechanical, and biochemical changes in pregnancy /Edward K.S. Chien and Helen Feltovich --Maternal nutrition /Barbara Luke --Trauma, shock, and critical care obstetrics /Erin A.S Clark, Gary A. Dildy, and Steven L. Clark --Hypertension diseases in pregnancy /Frederick U. Eruo and Baha M. Sibai --Cardiac diseases in pregnancy /Kjersti Aagaard-Tillery and Steven L. Clark --Maternal pulmonary disorders complicating pregnancy / Steven L. Clark and Calla Holmgren --Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy / Carol J. Homko, Jion J. Hagay and E. Albert Reece --Endocrine disorders in pregnancy /Fred H. Fass --Gastrointestinal diseases complicating pregnancy /Washington Clark Hill and and Alfred D. Fleming --Liver disease in pregnancy /Vivek Raj --Pregnancy complicated by renal disorders /Michelle W. Krause and Sudhir V. Shah --Neurological disorders in pregnancy /R. Lee Archer, Stacy A. Rudnick, and Baskir S. Shibabuddin --Thromboembolic disorders of pregnancy /Michael J. Paidas, Christian M. Pettker, and Charles J. Lockwood --Coagulation and hematological disorders of pregnancy /Carl P. Weiner and Chien Ob -- Maternal alloimmunization and fetal hemolytic disease /Anita C. Manogura and Carl P. Weiner --Maternal infections, human immunodeficiency virus infection, and sexually transmitted diseases in pregnancy /Richard L. Sweet and Howard Minkoff --Rheumatologic and connective tissue disorders in pregnancy /Gustavo R. Leguizamon and El Albert Reece --Dermatologic disorders during pregnancy /Thomas D. Horn and Jerri Hoskyn --Cancer and other neoplasms in pregnancy /Peter E. Schwartz and Masoud Azodi -- Pregnancy before age 20 and after age 35 years /Helen H. Kay -- Essentials in biostatistics and perinatal epidemiology /Paula K. Roberson and Benjamin P. Sachs --Sexuality in pregnancy and the postpartum period /Kirsten von Sydow --Psychiatric problems during pregnancy and the puerperium /Linda L.M. Worley and Jennifer L. Melville --Ethical and legal dimensions of the pregnant woman and fetus /Judith L. Chervenak , Frank A. Chervenak, and Lawrence B. McCulloush --Bleeding in the third timester /Lawrence W. Oppenheimer and Carl A. Nimrod --Normal and abnormal labor /Wayne R. Cohen -- Operative vaginal delivery /Edward R. Yeomans --Preterm labor /Erol Amon and Thomas D. Muyles --Prelab rupture of the membranes /Joaquin Santolaya-Forgas ... [et al.] -- Prolonged pregnancy /Curtis L. Lowery and Paul Wendel --Anesthesia in the high-risk patient /Danny Wilkerson and Richard B. Clark --Puerperium and lactation: physiology of the reproductive system /Judy M. Hopkinson, Pamela D. Berens, and E. Albert Reece --Prematrue birth and neurological complications /Alan Hill --Common problems of the newborn /Fernando R. Moya and Matthew Langhorn.
Early conceptus growth and immunobiologic adaptations of pregnancy / Kenneth H.H. Wong and Eli Y. Adashi --Normal embryonic and fetal development /Trivedi Vidhya N. Persaud and Jean C. Hay --Normal and abnormal placentation /Soheila Korourian and Luis De Las Casas -- Fetoplacental perfusion and transfer of nutrients /Henry L. Galan and Frederick C. Battaglia --Endocrinology of pregnancy and the placenta / Alan DeCherney ... [et al.] --Fetal lung development and amniotic fluid analysis /Ian Gross and Matthew J. Bizzarro --Fetal cardiovascular physiology and response to stress conditions /Jean-Claude Fouron and Amanda Skoll --Immunology of the fetus /Josiah F. Wedgwood and James G. McNamara --Fetal endocrinology /Charles E. Wood and Maureen Keller-Wood --Fetal hematology /Veronique Cayol and Fernand Daffos --Sporadic and recurrent pregnancy loss /Robert M. Silver and D. Ware Branch --Ectopic and heterotopic pregnancies /Arnon Wiznitzer and Eyal Sheiner -- Multifetal pregnancies: epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and management /Michelle Smith-Levitin, Daniel W. Skupski, and Frank A. Chervenak --Biology of normal and deviant fetal growth /Andree Gruslin and Carl A. Nimrod --Developmental toxicology, drugs, and fetal teratogenesis /Robert L. Brent and Lynda B. Fawcett --Drugs, alcohol abuse, and effects in pregnancy /Stephen R. Carr and Donald R. Coustan -- Teratogenic viruses /Antonio V. Sison --Transplacentally acquired microbial infections in the fetus /Santosh Pandipati and Ronald S. Gibbs --Antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents in pregnancy and during lactation /Janet I. Andrews and Jennifer R. Niebyl --Principles of human genetics: chromosomal and single-gene disorders /Joe Leigh Simpson and Maurice J. Mohoney --Genetic counseling in prenatal and perinatal medicine /Jeff Milunsky and Aubrey Milunsky --Basic principles of ultrasound / Mladen Predanic, Frank A. Chervenak, and E. Albert Reece --Prenatal diagnosis of central nervous system malformations /Gianluigi Pilu and Sandro Gabrielli --Prenatal diagnosis of central nervous system malformations /Gianluigi Pilu and Sandro Gabrielli --Prenatal diagnosis of thoracic and cardiac abnormalities /Gianluigi Pilu, Philippe Jeanty, and Muliana M.B. Leite --