Stock market liquidity and economic growth : theory and evidence / Ross Levine -- The empirical importance of private ownership for economic growth / Darius Palia and Edmund S. Phelps -- Intergenerational transfers and growth / Giancarlo Marini and Pasquale Scaramozzino -- Human capital, ideas and economic growth / Charles I. Jones -- A rising tide raises all ships : trade and diffusion as conduits of growth / Jonathan Eaton and Samuel Kortum -- The role of education and knowledge in endogenous growth / Luigi Paganetto and Pasquale L. Scandizzo -- Factors behind the Asian miracle : entrepreneurship, education, and finance / Richard R. Nelson and Howard Pack -- Technological globalisation of national systems of innovation? / Daniele Archibugi and Jonathan Michie -- Endogenizing investment in tangible assets, education and new technology / Dale W. Jorgenson.