Introduction: the aim of the book -- A word to biblical scholars -- Demand 1: you must be born again -- Demand 2: repent -- Demand 3: come to me -- Demand 4: believe in me -- Demand 5: love me -- Demand 6: listen to me -- Demand 7: abide in me -- Demand 8: take up your cross and follow me -- Demand 9: love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength -- Demand 10: rejoice and leap for joy -- Demand 11: fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell -- Demand 12: worship God in spirit and truth -- Demand 13: always pray and do not lose heart -- Demand 14: do not be anxious about the necessities of daily life -- Demand 15: do not be anxious about the threats of man -- Demand 16: humble yourself -- By making war on pride -- Demand 17: humble yourself -- In childlikeness, servanthood, and broken-hearted boldness -- Demand 18: do not be angry -- Trust God' providence -- Demand 19: do not be angry -- Embrace mercy and forgiveness -- Demand 20: do the will of my Father who is in heaven -- Be justified by trusting jesus -- Demand 21: do the will of my Father who is in heaven -- Be transformed by trusting Jesus -- Demand 22: strive to enter through the narrow door -- For all of life is war -- Demand 23: strive to enter through the narrow door -- For jesus fulfills the new covenant -- Demand 24: strive to enter through the narrow door -- For you are already in the kingdoms power -- Demand 25: your righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees -- For it was hypocritical and ugly -- Demand 26: your righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees -- Clean the inside of the cup -- Demand 27: your righteousness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees -- For every healthy tree bears good fruit -- Demand 28: love your enemies -- Lead them to the truth -- Demand 29: love your enemies -- Pray for those who abuse you -- Demand 30: love your enemies -- Do good to those who hate you, give to the one who asks -- Demand 31: love your enemies -- To show that you are children of God -- Demand 32: love your neighbor as yourself -- For this is the law and the prophets -- Demand 33: love your neighbor with the same commitment -- You have to your own well-being -- Demand 34: love your neighbor as yourself and as Jesus loved us -- Demand 35: lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven -- By giving sacrificially and generously -- Demand 36: lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven -- And increase your joy in Jesus -- Demand 37: lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven -- It is your fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom -- Demand 38: do not take an oath -- Cherish the truth and speak it simply -- Demand 39: do not take an oath -- Let what you say be simply yes or no -- Demand 40: what God has joined together let no man separate -- For marriage mirrors God's covenant with us -- Demand 41: what God has joined together let no man separate -- For whoever divorces and marries another commits adultery -- Demand 42: what God has joined together let no man separate -- Man, one woman, by grace, till death -- Demand 43: render to Caesar the things that are Caesars' -- And to God the things that are God's -- Demand 44: render to Caesar the things that are Caesars' -- As an act of rendering to god what is gods -- Demand 45: do this in remembrance of me -- For i will build my church -- Demand 46: do this in remembrance of me -- Baptize disciples and eat the Lord's supper -- Demand 47: let your light shine before others -- That they might give glory to your Father who is in heaven -- Demand 48: let your light shine before others -- The joyful sacrifice of love in suffering -- Demand 49: make disciples of all nations -- For all authority belongs to Jesus -- Demand 50: make disciples of all nations -- For the mission cannot fail.