COMPASS '93: Proceedings of the Einth Annual Conference on Computer assurance,June 14-17 ,1993,national Institute of standard and technology ,gaithersbury,MD
/ COMPASS Sponsors: IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society, IEEE National Capital Area Council
; in cooperation with British Computer Society
Piscataway, NJ
: .Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
, 1993.
Language: انگلیسی
Safety, releability, fault tolerance, concurrency and real time security--T.p
Includes bibliographies and index
Computer assuranc
Computer software - Reliability - Congresses
Computers - Reliability - Congresses
Annual Conference on Computer Assurance (8th: 1993: Gaithersbury, MD)
IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Society
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. National Capital Ar