Weight training and the martial artist -- What you can expect from weight training -- Safety considerations -- The eight principles of weight training -- The right weight-training program for you -- Determining your level of fitness -- Establishing your objectives -- Weight training without weighing yourself down -- The stages of the weight-training cycle -- Stage 1-base-training stage -- Stage 2-intermediate stage -- Stage 3-advanced stage -- Stage 4-maintenance stage -- [add stage 5-recovery stage? see actual chapter] -- Moving through the stages -- Lower-body exercises -- Squats -- Leg extensions,-- Leg flexion/leg curls -- Standing heel raises -- Ankle flexion -- Multi-hip exercises -- Hip adduction/hip abduction -- Upper-body exercises -- Pull-downs -- Seated rows -- Horizontal back extensions -- Overhead press -- Chest press -- Lateral raises -- Biceps curls -- Triceps push-downs -- Crunches (abdominal exercises) -- Sound sports nutrition for the martial artist -- Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins -- Timing is everything -- Avoiding glycogen depletion -- Basic daily nutritional plan -- Conclusion -- Appendices -- A. testing procedures -- Testing for muscular strength (1rm) -- Testing for muscular endurance (10rm) -- Maximum push-up test -- One-minute maximum sit-up test -- Maximum pull-up/chin-up test -- B. establishing your objectives questionnaire -- Sample training programs -- One-week beginner program -- One-week intermediate program -- One-week advanced program -- One-week maintenance program.